Mullauna College Year 8 Camp

On a warm Monday afternoon, students from Mullauna College arrived at The Summit eager to begin their adventure. After checking into their accommodations, they met with the coaches and teachers at the Lodge. Team Leader Sam introduced them to the space and the camp, then introduced the rest of The Summit coaches. Calarnee discussed with […]
Mount Waverly Heights PS Year 4 Camp

When the bus from Mount Waverly Heights PS rolled through the gates of The Summit on Wednesday morning of the second last week of the year, we were preparing for what was going to be an amazing few days. The energy and enthusiasm from all the students had everyone bouncing off the walls and we […]
Rosebud SC Year 9 to 11 Camp

On the stunning Monday afternoon of the 2nd December 2024, the Summit welcomed the leadership team year 9-11 students and teachers of Rosebud Secondary College Students were promptly shown their accommodations, where they would stay for the next couple of days! After they got settled, they were welcomed into the Lodge where coach Spinks introduced camp […]
Canterbury Girls SC Year 9 Camp

What a pleasure it has been to have the year nine girls from Canterbury Girls Secondary College at The Summit for their camp experience over the last 3 days. The energy and excitement from the very beginning set the tone for how the camp would play out. Willing to get involved in all activities and […]
Australian International Academy Year 9 Camp

On the 27th of November, the students from the Australian International Academy arrived at The Summit to start their school camp. Their extraordinary coaches Mim, Calarnee, Zoe, Taylor, and Franzie welcomed them with open arms. The students were introduced to The Summit’s values, the Five Keys: Have Fun, Play All In, Make Lots of Mistakes, […]
Tulliallan PS Year 6 Camp

When the buses rolled through the gates of The Summit on a warm, wet, and sticky Monday morning, we were preparing for what was going to be an amazing week. We weren’t quite ready for how prepared the awesome teaching staff were so about halfway through our teachers’ meeting, we knew the week was going […]